Psychological Therapy
A soulful approach to life and meaning
Psychological therapy began its life as a modern day reappraisal of working with those who had experienced ‘Soul Loss’, yet on many occasions it may seem that much of what is offered merely ruffles and reorganises the surface of the things that trouble us. I find it useful to take the view, that people who are experiencing psychological suffering are not complex machines to which we can apply a set psychological theories, but rather, and most essentially, Souls. Souls in need of connection, meeting, meaning and renewal.
With this spirit, and resulting from my many years of experience of working therapeutically with a broad range of therapeutic material; bullying, trauma (including severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder such torture and sexual violence), physical, psychological, emotional and mental, and spiritual forms of abuse, substance-misuse, death and dying, anxiety, depression, self-harm, and many other complex clinical presentations, I offer long-term open-ended therapy, and can also provide brief psychological interventions. Both interventions at the depth needed to affect healing and renewal.
I also offer a ‘robust’ approach to post-traumatic growth. What I mean by this, is that deep soulful healing needs to be engaged with at depth, often clearing the rubble left in the wake of a personal disaster, before one can move on and find a way to come 'fully alive’ again.​ There is no point doing half a job!
Access to therapy
Therapy sessions are available as according to what is best for you:
• One to one sessions at one of my North East therapy rooms: £60 per hour (This is presently on hold due to Covid)
• 50 minute Zoom sessions £50 per session
• 50 minute telephone sessions £50 per session
Payment for sessions are usually booked in blocks of 6 or 10 sessions and must be paid for in advance. Payments can be made through BACs.
Contact me to arrange therapy sessions
• Addiction
• Sexual abuse
• Mental abuse
• Long-term effects of neglect
• Trauma and its life-long effects
• Loss and Bereavement
• Low self-worth and self-esteem issues
• Bullying and its effects
• Sense of meaninglessness
• The search for meaning
• Emotional and psychological burnout
• Spiritual exploration